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Why Trak Racer?

As an affiliate partner, you have the opportunity to earn commission on any sales generated using your affiliate links, in addition to access to exclusive content and promotions.


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How it works

Step 1

Sign Up for Free

Step 2

Share your link

Step 3

Earn when your link is used

Earn 5% on nearly everything!

Earn a 5% commission on almost any product, excluding PCs & monitors. With a 5% commission on brands like Simucube, you could earn $100s on a single sale!

*RRP prices and subsequently earnings are subject to change without notice.

RRP*: $999 USD

RRP*: $7,949 USD

RRP*: $2,949 USD

RRP*: $349 USD

Scale Your Earnings

There's so many different ways to earn! Utilise your existing channels to reach more clients and the endless potential!

🔻 Share With Your Inner Circle
🔻 Write a Blog Post
🔻 Spread the Word on Social
🔻 Publish Educational Content
🔻 Run Digital Campaigns
🔻 Get Your Clients Onboard
Earn Now

Scale Your Earnings

There's so many different ways to earn! Utilise your existing channels to reach more clients and the endless potential!

🔻 Share With Your Inner Circle
🔻 Write a Blog Post
🔻 Spread the Word on Social
🔻 Publish Educational Content
🔻 Run Digital Campaigns
🔻 Get Your Clients Onboard
Earn Now


For the detailed terms and conditions of the affiliate program, please click here.

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