- Competition commences at 12am on 1/11/23 and closes at 11.59pm on 31/12/23 (AEST) (Entry Period).
- One entry by signing up to Trak Racer’s emailing list
- Ten entries by spending $1000 or more on Trak Racer's website (cart value).
- Twenty entries by spending $2000 or more on Trak Racer's website (cart value)
- If the entrant meets the mentioned requirements, they automatically enter the competition.
- If the entrant meets the mentioned requirements, they automatically enter the competition.
- If an eligible entrant purchases through a Trak Racer distributor, they must meet the above conditions and fill out the form listed on www.trakracer.com/pages/giveaway.
- Eligible entrants purchased through Trak Racer distributors must ⚫ensure their purchases are on Trak Racer products only.
- Eligible Entrants must be opted in to receive Trak Racer marketing communications and must not opt out during the Entry Period.
- The winner will be drawn at 12pm on 16/1/24 by Trak Racer.
- The winner will be notified by phone and email by 19/1/24 and published on all Trak Racer's social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, LinkedIn) and on the competition website.
- If the winner does not respond within 7 days, a new winner will be drawn.
- The winner may be required to pay for shipping, and taxes if applicable.
- It is a condition of entry that Eligible Entrants consent to receive Trak Racer marketing communications and do not opt out during the Entry Period.
- It is a condition of entry that Eligible Entrants consent to receive Trak Racer marketing communications and do not opt out during the Entry Period.
- Entrants may only enter the Competition in their own name. Multiple entries are permitted, but each entry must comply with these conditions
- If an entrant decides to return their order and their order value does not meet the conditions, they will be removed from the competition
- Competition conducted by Trak Racer, of 278 Canterbury Rd, Surrey Hills, VIC, 3127.
To enter the Competition, an Eligible Entrant must meet any of the following conditions: